足立 拓人 / Takuto Adachi

1982 年生まれ香川県出身。 都内を中心に、国内外のイベントや展示で作品を発表。


SUMMER SONIC 2014~2018 にてライブペイントに参加。 TOYOTA COROLLA 50th Anniversaryの CM に出演。 gallery LUCK にてキーホルダーのみの個展を開催。 ISETAN kuala lumpur にてキーホルダーを出展。韓国で開催された東アジア文化都市2019にて壁画作成とキャンバス画を発表。

Born in 1982 in Kagawa Prefecture.

Takuto Adachi exhibits his works at events and shows mainly in Tokyo, but also in other parts of Japan and abroad. In addition to canvas works, he also creates large murals and hand-painted key chains.

Takuto is the founder of the free-zine production group "KNAKED" and picture book project "MAMI." Currently, he is part of the art collective "psychokinesis".

Takuto has participated in the live painting performance at SUMMER SONIC 2014-2018, and appeared in a commercial for TOYOTA COROLLA 50th Anniversary. He also held a solo exhibition at gallery LUCK, featuring only key chains, and exhibited key chains at ISETAN kuala lumpur. He created a mural and presented canvas paintings at East Asia Culture City 2019 held in South Korea.